Finding Monochrome x 001


Finding Monochrome x 001

Sale Price:€10.00 Original Price:€20.00


These presets are designed for Lightroom and created by me. I use them daily in my own workflow and they will help you to achieve the look you can see in my B&W work. you can see my work and follow me on INSTAGRAM.

Remember that presets are not magic solutions to fix bad light or technique, but a powerful tool to achieve a characteristic look and an initial point to explore your own creativity.

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This preset pack contains a total of 10 B&W presets and 10 tools to create fade and grain effects. You will find a set of 5 presets created for general camera profiles and 5 equivalent presets for Fujifilm camera profiles. Feel free to experiment with all of them independently of your camera brand to explore all the creative possibilities.